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SP 7 Standard brings you a collection of 30 power add-ons for Dragon. Enhance your speech recognition experience in numerous ways. From effectively dictating in unfriendly apps to enhanced hands-free mouse control!

Auto Box 7 ©

The innovative SP Auto Box© brings Automatic TransfersForeground Window Detection, and Full Select-and-Say Control at your fingertips. If you like you can make Auto Box© invisible as well. It will still work.

Contrary to other auto-pasting solutions out there, Auto Box© can do its automatic transfers in a much more intuitive way. This allows you to properly edit your dictation with full (genuine) Dragon Select-and-Say control before it's being sent to the target. And if you do make a mistake you can undo your Transfer(s) in the target application directly from within Auto Box© itself! 

The 3rd generation Auto Box© offers five different ways of transferring your dictation:

- Fully automatic transfers - Every utterance is transferred immediately.
- Semi-automatic transfers - Transfer automatically occurs upon detection of punctuation marks. 
- Auto Messaging - Automatic transfers & direct sending (Facebook and WhatsApp)
- Auto-Punctuation - Automatic transfers where "." and "?" are added automatically.
- Manual transfers/transport - Classical dictation box mode for all your longer dictations.

We've also added convenient Tab/Tab Back functionality allowing you to move from field to field in your target application directly from within Auto Box© allowing complete and undisturbed dictation!

Please note that the much more powerful Auto Box© 8 version is available as a separate purchase in the Standalone Modules section.

Dictation Box Advanced©

The 4th generation Dictation Box Advanced© (DB Advanced) is SP 7 Standard's flagship. This highly intelligent Dictation Box is completely customizable (font type, size, color, background color, menu font, and background color, etc.). You can intelligently resize the box to suit your needs. It automatically adapts the main menus upon resizing. This means you can make it as compact as you like (including text and menu fonts), while still maintaining core functionality. Accelerator Keys have been added to each (sub) menu allowing extended Hotkey control and creation of custom (SendKeys) Dragon voice commands.

DB Advanced© has always been the most popular box in the package. This new version is extremely versatile. The Formatting Menu section contains all possible cases like UPPERCASE, lowercase, camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, and much more. The Toolbox Menu section offers various functionalities like adjustable Box Transparency, Advanced Search & Replace, Grab Target Text, Proofreading, and Accessibility Views. Speaking of Accessibility. DB Advanced now also features Box Fading. This means that can make the box gently fade in and fade out. Great for those who suffer from eyestrain.

The new Options page allows further customization of the box to completely suit your needs. You can choose settings for Continuous Auto Backup, Transfer Speed, Visibility Modes, and more. In this version we added Targeting. This means that you can quickly force DB Advanced to transfer to a specific application only, even though another application is active!

DB Advanced© fully supports Dragon Auto Text Commands, Advanced Formatting, Inserting of Images, Voice Text Zoom, Spoken Transfers, and much, much more. Just like DB Minimal, this box also supports the (free) desktop version of Grammarly. It really is the perfect "middleman" for dictating into speech unfriendly applications!

SP Editor©

SP Editor© is the faster and safer alternative to NatSpeak's DragonPad. With many built in voice commands, convenient 1-click operations, enhanced accessibility options, ergonomic features, and Integrated Text To Speech this is the most voice friendly text editor ever. Supports rtf, text, ini, dvc, csv, cs, xml.

Instantly remove duplicate or empty lines. Quickly send your text to Notepad®, Open Office Writer, Libre Writer or send selected text to Google. Quickly replace multiple words, optionally paste (HTML/office) source text unformatted. SP Editor© also features TRANSFER and TRANSPORT© to the underlying target application. That means you can use it as a very advanced Dictation Box!  

SP Zen Editor©

SP Zen Editor© is an alternative to SP Editor©. It's designed to be simpler and faster while still having some interesting functionalities.

Contrary to SP Editor©, Zen Editor© uses plain text (just like Notepad). The featured Zen Mode renders a full screen, borderless window without any menus (well, just one button to go back to Normal Mode. You can optionally hide to the taskbar as well. The idea is to have absolutely no distractions so you can focus solely on your writing!

Please note that the much more powerful Zen Editor© 8 version is available as a separate purchase in the Standalone Modules section).


DB Code Preview© is a special DB version. It's actually a hybrid, partially Dictation Box, partially Code Editor. One of the limitations of editors featuring syntax highlighting is that their editing fields are typically Dragon unfriendly. DB Code Preview© attempts to deal with this problem by offering a small, speech-friendly dictation field that can inject its contents into the syntax highlighting Code field.

From there you can TRANSFER or TRANSPORT your code to the target (Visual Studio, Notepad, 
etc.). It's very easy by the way, to move from field to field by voice. There's also an integrated Quick Correct module for extensive Search and Replace operations.

Quick Correct©

Dragon natively cannot replace all instances of the same word in a document at once. The innovative Quick Correct© can. It's the ultimate tool for quickly replacing multiple occurrences of words, letters, numbers, punctuation marks, etc.

Quick Correct© works with all applications that accept text. It automatically imports any text you've selected in your application upon launch. When you're done making changes you can Transfer back to your target application.

Enhancements for the Dragon dictation box

Although the SP Dictation Boxes are faster, safer, and more versatile than the Dragon dictation box, some users still prefer it for their daily work. There are some good reasons. After all the Dragon dictation box is extremely reliable when it comes to keeping on top of the target application making it almost impossible for Transfer to fail. Also, it can load fully automatic.
SP 7 Standard supports those users as well by adding useful enhancements to the Dragon dictation box like instant box placement, instant (forced)box resizing, quick font resizing, one single voice command to make the dictation box launch 50% faster, optional continuous dictation box backup (even upon accidental canceling of the box) and voice text zoom.

Hyper Notes©

Absolutely the quickest and simplest way to store your ideas and thoughts. No annoying “Save as” dialogs, no interruptions of your workflow! 

Just call up the fast HyperNote Box, dictate your text, say “Store Note” and you’re done. Time and date are added automatically. It just doesn't get any easier than this!

Quick Store©

What was the URL of that website again? What was the contents of that Facebook post... I should have copied the text in that email...

You wish you'd had Quick Store! The quickest, most ergonomic way to save URLs and (website) text by voice. No interruption of your workflow, just one voice command and your data is written to a dedicated file in your Documents folder. Date and time are added automatically with each entry. 

Quick Store is also useful in Windows Explorer for saving folder paths (if you want to create AppBringUp or ShellExecute voice commands). 

There, it’s stored! It’s that simple :-).  

Dictation to WAV

You can select any portion of text, in any program and utter the command "Dictation to WAV". This will store the text as a playable WAV audio file using your default Windows 10 voice. Very convenient if you want to grab text and have it read out to you some other time.

The "To WAV" functionality is also directly integrated in DB Advanced in the "Send To" menu item. 

SP Search©

Full Select-and-say enabled searches in Brave, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, SlimBrowser and Internet Explorer right from your desktop with this extremely fast and practical tool.

You can also search directly in search engines like Yahoo, AOL, Ask, Yandex, Duck Duck Go and Startpage. If you combine SP Search with the below Search Correct module you have almost complete voice control of these browser's address bars. Want even more Internet search options? Check out Quick Panel

Search Correct© - for browsers and email clients

The address bar of most browsers is typically speech-unfriendly. Replacing words by voice (Select-and-Say) is usually not possible. You can of course install the Dragon web extensions but that won't always solve the address bar dictation problem. Besides, on some systems it causes Dragon to hang or freeze. 

Search Correct© offers a different solution. You can correct, remove and even compound words almost in the same way you would with the native Dragon correct <dictation> command. This utility also works great with recipient and subject bars in speech unfriendly email clients.

Quick Panel©

SP Quick Panel© is the perfect Starting Page for hands-free users! 

Direct Voice Access to many common Windows Accessories, Administrative tasks, Accessibility features and (hidden) Explorer Folders. Integrated full Select-and-Say Web Search with additional direct voice links to the most popular websites. We've also added two embedded (advanced) Dictation Boxes for your convenience!

Fast Window Resizing©

Perform high-precision resizing to any program/Explorer window simply by dictating the new amount of horizontal and vertical pixels. Voice command examples: "Size 900 by 700", "Size 1500 by 500". "Size 755 by 215". 

These commands will greatly enhance your workflow!

Quick Window Placement©

Rapidly place program/Explorer windows to any of the 9 grid locations on your screen. You can use direct voice commands (top left, top center, middle of the screen, center-right, bottom right, etc.). Voice command examples: "Place Top Left", "Place Bottom Right", "Place Center".

The package also contains commands for precise nudging of program/Explorer windows to any direction. 


Switch is the equivalent to the Alt+Tab (window switching) functionality. Of course you can program these key combinations with Dragon® scripting but the result won’t be nearly as fast.

You can switch forwards or backwards to opened applications or use Window Switcher and choose which window to switch to using the fast SP global direction commands.

We also included the App Switch voice command to cycle through tabs in browsers and email clients. 

SP Pointer Grid©

This effective mouse pointer grid covers your screen with 500 small transparent rectangles. It also covers the taskbar. Simply say any of the cell numbers to immediately place your mouse pointer at that location. You can then perform a left or right click by voice. You can also click immediately by saying "Touch" followed by the cell number; "Touch 334", "Touch 15", etc.

Additional pointer movement commands are added for more additional (highly precise) placement.

But it gets better! We added a very fast 1/9 grid with 80 cells. Quickly call it up in the Top Left, Top Center, Top Right, Left Center, Center, Right Center, Bottom Left, Bottom Center, Bottom Right positions of the screen. You now have a total of 720 cells. This allows much faster precision placement compared to the Dragon mousegrid.

Best of all, contrary to the Dragon MouseGrid, the SP Pointer Grids do work in Windows Apps and Windows Settings screens as well!

Dwell, Click & Wheel Control©

SP Standard not only lets you click or hold down the left and right mouse buttons by voice, you can also control the Mouse Wheel by voice. Move it one tick up or down or "click" it to perform smooth scrolling in browsers or text editors like MS Word.

We included voice commands for repetitive clicks. You can perform up to 50 clicks by voice. Perfect for gaming purposes.

Are you still able to move the mouse but is clicking painful or impossible? We added Simple Dwell Clicker, a small utility that automatically performs a left-click 1.5 seconds after the mouse pointer stops moving.

Other dwell clickers out there have a (floating) settings window which is usually on top of other windows. This can introduce problems to Dragon® users. At the very least it will interfere with Alt+Tab ("Switch") voice commands but it might also interfere with your dictation in the target window.
The SP 7 Standard Simple Dwell Clicker is completely invisible. The result is a smooth and simple dwell clicking process that won't steal the focus of other programs. It can easily be launched and dismissed by voice commands. But you can also directly close it with a Hotkey.

SP Press Utility©

Keep the Left, Middle (mouse wheel) or Right mouse button pressed by voice to drag items around on your desktop or Windows Explorer. Much faster than using Advanced Scripting commands. In addition you can keep the Left mouse button pressed for 1 to 5 seconds after which it will be released automatically.

If you use the utility to drag and select text then there's the option to auto-copy upon button release. 

SP Press Utility© also supports VoiceComputer Intags. This allows direct "pressing" of numbered items on your desktop or Windows Explorer with simple voice commands like: "press 7", "press 58", "press "12", etc.

SP NumPad Mouse©

You are probably familiar with the MouseKeys accessibility feature in Windows. However, this has some limitations. Right-clicking can only be done indirectly and there's no Mouse Wheel support. Although you can adjust acceleration speed, the initialization of the mouse pointer is slow. It's also true that you need to keep the buttons pressed while the mouse pointer is moving. Stopping Mouse Keys takes a three-key hotkey sequence (if get that to work reliably that is). All of this may be uncomfortable for users with RSI or (related) symptoms.

SP NumPad Mouse© attempts to offer a second, more ergonomic option. The featured keyboard actions are in fact natively present in Dragon. Therefore mouse movement speed can simply be adjusted in Dragon Options. You can also choose between continuous and static movements. Perhaps the best way to get acquainted with this utility is to watch the SP NumPad Mouse© demonstration video at the bottom of this page.

Where's my Pointer©

The mouse pointer can be hard to spot sometimes, particularly in photo editors. SP Standard gives you a voice controlled pointer animation option so you can always spot the mouse easily. Just say "Where's my pointer" and the animation will play at the exact location of your mouse pointer.

You can choose any of the four highly visible animation pictures shown on the left. Default is HERE! 

Hotkeys for Dragon - give your voice a rest!

You can store a total amount of 72 Dragon voice commands (both built-in and custom Dragon commands) and launch them with a Hotkey. Changes are applied immediately (real-time) and stored in the registry. Designate any Dragon voice command to the following (fixed) key combinations:

Function Keys, Alternate + Function Keys, Control + Function Keys, Control + Alternate + Function Keys, Win + Function Keys
Control + Win + Function Keys. 

Another powerful feature is that you can create Hotkeys to top-level menus like File, Edit, View, Format and the main buttons of most applications and dialogs like the Transfer button of the Dragon dictation box for instance. You can also program simple (non-capitalized) boilerplate texts. This is particularly handy if you only need them temporary.

SP Lens©

SP Lens© is an easy-to-use, "nonintrusive" portable screen lens.
Contrary to the standard Windows Magnifier, SP Lens won't lock to your mouse pointer. It will initially launch in the center of the screen with the left mouse button pressed for easy dragging. However, from that point on you can "park" it anywhere you like. Manually, or by voice. With the SP Grid© for instance.

This convenient lens can be useful in various ways. To magnify the notification area for example. Those with deteriorating eyesight may find that the Dragon tray icon is getting harder to spot when you've gotten up from behind your computer and forgot to check whether the Dragon® microphone was really off…

Just drag SP Lens© over it, and leave it there. The Dragon tray icon will be highly visible for the rest of your session! 

SP Calculator©

Software calculators are usually not speech-friendly. In a sense that you can't "speak" in the way you would normally "press" calculator buttons, one-by-one.
SP Calculator© makes it possible. This calculator is meant for simple calculations. Here are some command examples:

"seven, times, four, equals"
"nine, four (94), minus, five, is"
"six, nine (69), multiplied with one"

It's a matter of "speaking what you see". When you're happy with the calculation result you can simply Transport or Transfer it to your target. 
It doesn't get more intuitive like this!

Simple Process Killer©

Create your own voice controlled "kill process" routines via the "batch file" method. We've made it easy for you. More importantly, we've made it voice friendly! 

Are you having trouble closing certain applications with Dragon the regular way? Or is storing settings or saving your work in certain applications not important? Then you can kill them instantly with a simple voice command.
The only thing you need to know is the exact name of the (exe) process. This has been made easy with the included "Show All Running Processes" voice command. 

Simple Clipboard Viewer©

This convenient tool allows you to monitor clipboard contents (text and images) in real time. You can also see what text format is currently on the clipboard and which text formats (HTML, plain text, rich text, etc.) were copied earlier. 

Simple Clipboard Viewer© is also handy if you are doing small screen grabs with the Windows snippet tool because the image will be visible immediately.

Simple Pause Reminder©

We all know we shouldn't stare at the screen for too long...
Focusing your eyeballs on something else, every 20 minutes or so is generally considered necessary.

However, if you're in the midst of editing videos, coding programs, or if you are a passionate social media fan, this is easier said than done...

This little man will tell you to do so! By default he comes up every 20 minutes for 10 seconds. Of course, you can set the Timer Interval to suit your needs (by right clicking the tray icon).

This simple, nonintrusive Pause Reminder may be just what you need!

Speaker - Text To Speech (TTS) that works everywhere!

There are various applications such as speech unfriendly browsers and some email clients where the Dragon TTS voices don't work. 

SP Speaker© offers an alternative. It works everywhere and uses your default Windows 10 voice.

This video demonstrates an early version of the SP Speaker© module. There is a more advanced SP Speaker© version with Pause and Resume functionality featured in SP 7 PRO.